Saturday 17 November 2012

Simolo Customs VT1100 Rebuild

Here is a damaged 2003 VT1100 that we brought in and built for a customer

Front end damage

It is difficult to see from here but the tank is badly dented

Starting to disassemble the bike

Here we are starting the process of tack welding a slide hammer to the tank and pulling the dent

Prepping the front fender for epoxy sealer

All the tins are now primer/sealed with epoxy

This is the custom green the customer requested

It is a very nice color

Here you can see the bike coming together

Notice the different colors in the paint, depending on how the light hits it

Here it is all back together and ready for the customer to pick up

Custom front headlight with mini signals to clean up the front end

Here you can see we shaved the big factory signals and replaced them with bullet lights

Here you can see we lowered the factory taillight and then built a custom plate holder

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